22 November 2008

Since it is Saturday...

We went to Lowe's to build today. It was a football goal, totally useless as I see it but so is most of the stuff we've built. The girls have fun and since that's why we go, we went. We got to Lowe's a bit early and ended up getting a great deal on a 7' pre-lit Christmas tree (we got rid of our old one when we left Alabama). The girls got to ride on the giant cart we pushed the tree out of the store on.
Then we built. Things were much easier with George there, I am not a good builder :) After building we were on to story time at the bookstore. There weren't any special visitors there today but they did get to make hand turkeys AND decorate them with real feathers. The day ended with books with Daddy. All in all, a perfect Saturday, just look...