27 November 2009

Beanie does it too!

I forgot, yesterday Ella decided if Emily could do it so could she...just watch.

26 November 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving today...just the 4 of us. We were supposed to go to Alabama and spend it with our fabulous friends but that didn't work out so we stayed home. I popped downstairs this morning at 3:20 to start the turkey breast in the crock-pot...snicker if you must be the only difference between a roasted turkey breast & a crock-potted one is no crispy skin and since we throw that out any way, we're happy! That was the only "bad" thing... I don't like to come downstairs in the middle of the night, I am sure there will be a horde of mice in the living room... unreasonable I am sure but...otherwise, like I said, a great day! We had dinner/lunch at 1 and it cost George $3 (ha ha ha). The girls were complaining that there was too much food on the table that they didn't like (I should say I made macaroni & cheese just for Emily and had deli ham for Ella and an entire bowl of olives just for them) and George said that he had a whole cup of quarters, the girls could earn 1 for every new food they tried. We have tried this before and never get any takers, so I was a tad skeptical. The girls ate their ham & olives but that was about all. Then Emily asked for a piece of turkey. When she said it was good, Ella starting eyeballing the roasted brussels sprouts and she asked for one...it went on & on until they had both tried everything and had each made $1.50 in the process...they decided Thanksgiving wasn't so bad after all :) Tomorrow we start to decorate for Christmas... The most wonderful time of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!

In case I didn't update you on Emily's medical situation, here is the latest...
SHE IS FINE! We have no need to go to an ENT! just a very stubborn infection which probably means deep sinus pockets, just like me. Hooray!

12 November 2009


So, Emily doesn't have to go to a pulmonologist, no doubt she does NOT have asthma...Good News! Emily still has the sinus infection she has had since September & also has a wicked ear infection...Bad News! As a bonus, she has HUGE tonsils!!!!
She is on antibiotics for 2 weeks & steroids for 1, after that is she is still
funk-a-licious, we get sent to a pediatric ENT...our pediatrician is thinking tonsillectomy, adenoids too. Emily's biggest fear...missing school of course!

08 November 2009

Emily learned...

to ride her bike!
Look... (please excuse my enthusiasm)

03 November 2009

Ella's Birthday

Ella is 5...I can't believe it! She had a great birthday. She went to school for a little bit, had cupcakes with her friends, went to McDonald's for lunch with Mommy & Grandpa, went to the park with Mommy & Grandpa, had Subway for dinner (her choice), got some great presents & had a yummy cake that she had helped bake! The only thing that would have made it better is if Grandma from NJ wasn't sick & could have joined in the festivities. Look at her day...

02 November 2009


The girls had a great time trick-or-treating even though it was raining! I took them out at 6pm and we were the only ones out for almost an hour...I guess most people didn't want to be out in the cold & rain...we did, we are hardcore!