29 April 2009

Water Table

I bought a new water table for the girls. They had one when we lived in Alabama and it provided hours and hours of fun for them. Even though they are 2.5 years older than when we left there, I still thought they'd have fun. I wish they made a bigger, taller version as I am sure Emily will have to kneel to play. She hasn't had a chance to play yet but Ella had a great time with it yesterday. Here is Ella with the table yesterday afternoon. (there is a 2 minute movie that should be here Ella talking randomly {as she often does} about the wonders of the table and how busy she is all day...i have uploaded it to several places and yet can not get it to work anywhere...)

26 April 2009

Building and a Birthday Party

Saturday was a fun day for the girls. First we built a hang glider...they thought they'd be able to fly it when I first told them what we were going to build. They have now decided that Barbie will to the flying...sorry Barbie!

Then we were off to Emily's birthday party. She was so super excited for this party. It is the first party she has had with kids since she was 3...don't get me wrong, she's liked her family parties but kid parties are much more fun for the little people. There would be more photos but it is extremely hard to photograph children as the jump and bounce on giant inflatables!

23 April 2009

Can you hear me?

I took Emily to the audiologist today for a repeat hearing screening. They put her in a sound-proof room with a little chair & a window so she could see out. She thought it was funny. The man put a set of headphones on her, walked out of the room & shut the door (this really seemed like an ideal place to put Ella...I'm just saying!). Then he sat down in front of the window, gave her the directions and proceeded to push buttons and administer the test. At first, every time he pushed a button she said "yes, yes" as she could hear the sounds. Imagine how sad I was as he pushed a series of buttons and there was no response from Emily. I stood there and wondered how I was going to get this little girl, with definite opinions, to understand that she had to wear something over her ear from now on. I had to tell myself not to cry, that it was okay because it obviously didn't bother her before we went to the doctor so I shouldn't let it bother her now. Then the audiologist let out a very audible sigh, muttered to himself (I couldn't hear what he said because most of this time Ella was asking when could Emily come out of that big box) and went in the room and said "Okay Emily, let's try with a different set of headphones". Then he closed her back up in the room and repeated the same thing, this time Emily answered even less. I really had to fight back the tears as I pondered would she like a pink hearing aid, a red one or something less noticeable. He then had Emily come out of the room, looked at me with a pause that seemed like an eternity and said "okay Mrs. Brooke-Powell, she's all done. I've never had a little girl who could hear on such high registers before...she's definitely hearing better than your average 6 year old. I wish all my hearing tests were this easy. I even turned it up a few notches (I don't remember the technical word he used there) and she could hear it just fine."
Now I am even happier I held back the tears as I was obviously making things up in my head...imagine that!
By the way, we also had the Scoliosis x-ray done and her back is just about as straight as a pin! All this "your perfect Emily" surely won't go to her head, will it? Oh well, who cares?!? as far as I can tell she is just like Mary Poppins, "Practically Perfect in Every Way!"

17 April 2009

"Well" check-up?

I took Emily for her 6 year old well check up today and apparently she is falling apart! We have never had anything but positive feedback from checkups until today. First off, she failed her hearing test in 1 ear... probably nothing, will go to an ENT for a more in-depth hearing test hopefully this month. Next the doctor did a regular scoliosis screening, you know touch your toes & the doctor looks at your spine. Well, she was fine on the one but I did ask about Emily's swayback. She has always had a swayed back, our last doctor said that it should straighten out once she was in school running and stuff more (like in gym) as it would strengthen her pelvic muscles and pull her pelvis under. Since that has not really happened, we are going for a screening at the imagining center to see if she has a more rare front to back curvature of the spine...hooray! My poor girl!

I hope you liked the video from yesterday's dance...i don't know how I posted it or how to post more BUT I think you saw, she had a blast!!!

Fairy Tale Ball 4 16 09 018

15 April 2009

Tax Day Baby!

5 minutes with my favorite 6 year old!!!!

Happy 6th Birthday Emily!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14 April 2009


Emily got an early birthday present this year...

She was super excited to come home from school and find Grandma from New Jersey waiting in her room for her!
(the picture is a bit dark...sorry, it's black & white on my end)

12 April 2009


We have been busy busy!

Friday we colored eggs...much less exciting than expected. All the eggs are solid colors, the girls' hands did NOT turn colors...it was all very calm.

Saturday we went to an egg hunt. We were going to try & go to two of them but we couldn't work out the logistics of that AND go to the movies, but I am getting ahead of myself. The egg hunt was held at a park the nest town over. The signs I saw and the blurb in the paper said that registration was at 10:45 with the egg hunt from 11 to 1. There were to be 25,000 eggs dropped from a helicopter! How cool!!! Well...
We got there at 10:15 so we would have time to park the car and walk over to the park. We registered and then found out that the egg hunt didn't actually start until noon! Normally it would have been no big deal, after all, we were at a park...except it had rained, poured the night before so there were giant mud puddles everywhere and it was cold so I didn't want the girls to get wet. We wandered around awhile then the girls decided that they wanted their faces painted like bunnies. The pictures might suggest that Emily wasn't pleased with this but she really was. I think the fumes, no matter how light they were, bothered her eyes as she immediately started tearing up when they painted her nose. {They both walked around the rest of the day asking if their nose and whiskers were still there.} So then it was time to go to your designated area {divided by age, supposedly} and get ready for the hunt. 20,000 eggs had already been hidden, read: thrown all over for the kids to gather...the girls were so excited!!!!! Then an announcement was made to move to the basketball courts at the helicopter was coming to drop an additional 5,000 eggs they didn't want anyone hit by flying Easter eggs. Luckily George was paying attention and saw that while people moved back not many people were as far back as we were...so we moved up to where everyone else was standing. We watched the helicopter drop 5,000 additional eggs. The girls thought it was fantastic! Then a bullhorn sounded to let us know the egg hunt was underway. Here is where is all went bad.... George took Emily to her area while I tried to get Ella to hers only a few steps away. There were so many adults grabbing arm loads of eggs that we couldn't breakthrough them and get to a clear area. All the eggs were gone in about 2 minutes, which is to be expected. Ella ended up with 9 eggs...9 out of 25,000 she had 9. Then we had to find George and Emily which was no easy task there were people everywhere. We walked back to where we had split up and waited and looked for a few minutes then I decided we should just walk back to the car to meet up with Emily and George. We walked backwards through the park to avoid the congestion. There we got to witness one of my biggest fears...at least 6 parents screaming out their kids names, giving descriptions to the police to help them find their kids. One man was describing his son, his 4 year old son. The police officer asked when the last time he saw him was and the man said that he sent him one way to get eggs while he went the other. He had a shirt full of eggs but no little boy...are you kidding me?!?!!? You are a grown adult, you could have gone to the store to buy your own candy but instead you take eggs meant for little kids and in the process lose your own kid. INSANE! I am sure all of the kids were reunited, I haven't heard anything to the contrary on the news but the idea that my children were lost...I can't even imagine. Anyway, hearing the parents voices and seeing everything she saw Ella said she didn't ever want to go back to that egg hunt again. She was shaking asking me where Daddy was...when I told her I saw the car door was open so Emily and Daddy were indeed at the car she literally said "whewf!" My poor Beans! Emily was not nearly as traumatized by the hunt but was disappointed in her haul 18 eggs! She said "I saw lots of parents with tons of eggs for their kids..that's not fair." She's right. We won't be going to that egg hunt next year.
We went to see Hannah Montana The Movie after the hunt. the girls really enjoyed it. Emily was thrilled that we were going and Ella was literally dancing in the aisles when a song came on that she liked. They were so cute to watch!

Today, Sunday, we woke up bright and early to see what the Easter Bunny had brought for us...a lot of candy that's what! Except for 1 small thing at the movies yesterday, they have not had candy for the past 40 days. I think they ate their weight in candy before 7 am!!! They were so happy!!!! Then they put on their little Easter dresses and headed out to the church egg hunt. There were about 500 eggs and 50-100 kids...every kid had a full basket...every parent knew where their child was...everyone had a good time! That's not all the fun we had, oh no! My girls love an egg hunt! So when we got home I hid more eggs and they looked for them as well. After a while, they hid their jewelery in the eggs and hid them for their dolls to find...that was one of the most unsuccessful egg hunts all weekend.

08 April 2009

We should be under quarantine!

We have "friends" from a foreign land...

The bug man had never seen a spider like this before. His description...a regular house spider on steroids! I don't know if you can see it but it has hairy legs!!!!
There were 2 of them in the garage...please remember I have to do my laundry in the garage!

In other news, a new illness has hit us! Ella has Fifth Disease a.k.a. Slap Cheek. She's fine. I had never heard of this before. Her cheeks are bright red (hence the name) and she's had a fever. She had been complaining of leg pain but as she says that to try and get out of doing whatever I have asked her to do, I dismissed it. Well, her leg pain, specifically knee pain, and "hurty" fingers are a direct result of Slap Cheek. The nurse told me that I could look forward to a red lacy rash over most or all of her body that could come & go for the next 3-6 WEEKS! As a bonus for her, anytime the rash is present she could also experience joint pain...as if she doesn't enjoy Motrin enough already!!!! It certainly makes her tired...after just a few stops the other day, she'd had enough...

In unrelated news, Emily is out on Spring Break this week. I had envisioned days spent outside riding bikes, going to the zoo and visiting several parks. It snowed in Georgia yesterday. It didn't stick. It only lasted a few minutes each time. it is April!!!! It should NOT have snowed in Georgia!!! Someone obviously forgot to pass out the memo! It has been to cold to go out. Emily is muddling through though. Everyday is a countdown (hers, not actually mine) to back to school. She can't wait to get back to school. The summer is going to be very long I fear.

01 April 2009

So exciting!!!!!

Emily's loose tooth finally fell out!!!!!

The pictures aren't the best but...

She's very excited! It just doesn't photograph well, especially because the permanent tooth is already half way in!