08 April 2009

We should be under quarantine!

We have "friends" from a foreign land...

The bug man had never seen a spider like this before. His description...a regular house spider on steroids! I don't know if you can see it but it has hairy legs!!!!
There were 2 of them in the garage...please remember I have to do my laundry in the garage!

In other news, a new illness has hit us! Ella has Fifth Disease a.k.a. Slap Cheek. She's fine. I had never heard of this before. Her cheeks are bright red (hence the name) and she's had a fever. She had been complaining of leg pain but as she says that to try and get out of doing whatever I have asked her to do, I dismissed it. Well, her leg pain, specifically knee pain, and "hurty" fingers are a direct result of Slap Cheek. The nurse told me that I could look forward to a red lacy rash over most or all of her body that could come & go for the next 3-6 WEEKS! As a bonus for her, anytime the rash is present she could also experience joint pain...as if she doesn't enjoy Motrin enough already!!!! It certainly makes her tired...after just a few stops the other day, she'd had enough...

In unrelated news, Emily is out on Spring Break this week. I had envisioned days spent outside riding bikes, going to the zoo and visiting several parks. It snowed in Georgia yesterday. It didn't stick. It only lasted a few minutes each time. it is April!!!! It should NOT have snowed in Georgia!!! Someone obviously forgot to pass out the memo! It has been to cold to go out. Emily is muddling through though. Everyday is a countdown (hers, not actually mine) to back to school. She can't wait to get back to school. The summer is going to be very long I fear.