07 December 2008

Gingerbread Art

Emily saw a gingerbread house kit in the store the other day. She asked if we could buy one, just like Grandma did last year..."except could we make it this time?" So we bought it with the promise we would make it this weekend. They were too tired after the parade yesterday so we made it this morning, at 7am this morning to be precise. Imagine my delight when I actually read the box and realized that the house was all together, all we had to do was decorate...the girls and I were so happy...we could skip to the "fun" part. They decided, together, that they were going to make it look just like the box...in their little heads it DOES look just like the box. (please note, I had NO help in the decorating, it was all them)


Liz K said...

Cute, I cannot wait to see what you all can do with cookies!!!