18 February 2009

Oh my!

Well at last we have something to report that isn't an illness (although there is lots of that still around here)! Last night Emily told me her tooth hurt, she often tells me a tooth hurts and I touch it and magically it doesn't hurt anymore, odd but not for her. Anyway, last night I touched it & it WIGGLED!!!!!!!!!!!! She officially has a loose tooth! Yippee!!!!! She didn't want me to tell anyone, not even Daddy...I think that my teary eyes made her think she'd done something wrong or that it was bad in someway.

Today she said her mouth hurt a little so I looked and it is bulgy behind the loose tooth. I tried to show her and explained why. Then, as a joke (because she was looking worried), I said "let's check for the other loose ones in there". I checked the top and nothing wiggled, as I suspected. Then I touched the one next to her loose tooth and it WIGGLED too!!!! The first teeth she got, at 9 months old, were the bottom 2 in the middle...they will be the first to go.