22 July 2009

Quiet Week

It's been very quite in our world the past few days. We hung out with friends and went to the pool. We also hit a major milestone, well Emily did anyway. She finally agreed to get rid of the comforter that she has had since she was 2!

Now it looks like this...

Emily and her room...so many changes!

Well, Ella being Ella she "had" to have something too...bet you can't imagine what she picked! Wait, first please remember what her room looked like...

Well now hers looks like this...

Please notice the best aspect of Ella's room...the princess stickers are gone!!! Before you all say I'm terrible (and yes, I never liked them) it was Ella's idea to take them off the wall... she said the pattern on the comforter and the stickers was just too busy. Ella had to have what Emily picked, of course, but I am glad it actually looks different in each girls room.

That's all for now... to the library (to climb on a fire truck) on Thursday and the pool Friday...we'll see what else we get up to.