23 October 2008

Grease is the word!

Okay, so my first week and I already missed a day...sorry! I am stuffy, can't breathe and was exhausted yesterday. Not much different from most days (thanks to my lovely sinuses, but...) however the medicine I took to help me breathe made me so sleepy...I'll have to remember that tonight so maybe I can sleep while George is out of town.

Anyway, Ella and I went to storytime yesterday. The craft was leaf rubbings. She was honestly excited to see the leaf show up, it was like magic to her. Who knew that I could give them hours of entertainment by simply picking a few leaves. Emily thought Ella learned a great new skill (her words, not mine!)

We picked out 25 books, the bag just wouldn't hold anymore! When Emily got home and saw we had gotten 6 "Dick and Jane" books she did the happy dance of joy. She just kept saying "I can read these books! I can read them by myself!!!" At least I did something right!
We also borrowed a movie..."Grease"! They are old enough to love the singing and dancing but still too young to know what it is really about. At first Emily wasn't sure but then, well check out these few seconds (I didn't know that our new camera also had video...what fun this could be!):

Ella has since requested to watch it twice (we watched yesterday at 4:00pm) and Emily said that if they sell this movie in the store I should buy it! Wow, in Emily's world I did two things right in one day...I don't think I've done that since she was 2!!!!!!