We all know that George & I are not the best at keeping in touch or keeping everyone up to date...this is my attempt. I will not promise an entry everyday nor will I promise that it will always be exciting or clever (Kelly's the clever one, not me) but I will do my best to keep it up to date.
Let's face it, it will be mostly about the girls anyway :)
Here we go...
We moved here in June:

And the inside looked like this:

{the above are pictures of Ella's room...Hers was the one with the navy blue on the bottom & the tan on top. I let her put the stickers on the walls. It makes me crazy everyday!)
{the above pictures are Emily's room. Emily wanted a blue room just like her old one. Once she saw this room yellow, she just wanted it "the same but prettier". I love it! She made the flowers rise & fall so it looked like they were being blown around.}

So now that you know where we are & what it looks like I'll start blogging in earnest. I can get a bit obsessed so don't be surprised if the first few days there are 12 million entries & then none for a while :)
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