What can I say, 3 days have past and I've not posted...why? Well because we don't do anything. I thought this blog would be so great, a great way to keep everyone updated on all our goings on. I forgot, NOTHING goes on anymore!!!! I should have done this when Emily was born, when a baby was a novelty to most of the people I know. I should have done this when Ella was born and the idea of taking care of 2 under 2 was bizarre, when I couldn't imagine what it would be like to see Emily interact with Ella.
I should have been doing this when I lived in a neighborhood of friends with kids that were all the same age, kids that all fell over together (for no apparent reason), kids that fought over the same toys every day. I could have been doing this when I'd go to the zoo with Paula, for the entire day. I would have taken so many more pictures and I could have had things to tell you, show you all the time. Like everyone could have seen when Emily put the wicker trash can on her head and wandered around (she was maybe 17 months old). What was even better was the day that Ella's new hamper arrived, it was white wicker (just like the trash can) and when I took it out of the box Emily's eyes got big and so did her smile as she shouted out "A DRESS!". It was hysterical!
If I had been doing this all along, we'd probably have an album of photos of Ella doing nothing but showing me her "egg" or chewing on her "egg" (a rubber egg toy), she always had it in her mouth! We'd probably have little movies of her twirling around like she does, hopping and spinning until she says "I'm dizzy and don't feel good"...let's face it, I'd have more pictures of Ella period.
I didn't do it then, I chose to do it now, now when we don't do much. Ella and I hang out waiting for Emily. George is at work or working on the house. Doesn't make for a good read does it?
Well, good read or not, it's all I have :) So here it is:
George was away for work the other night so I painted the girls bathroom. It was lime-y green and I really like it at first but really it was just too bright. So Emily and George picked "Herb Green" out of a gazillion paint chips, we put up new towel bars, a shower curtain rod and a new pink rug... (good reading right, I told you!)

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