I think we had a busy week although I'm not exactly sure what we did. One day there was a massive crime scene just outside our front door...
Luckily, no one was hurt :)
We went to the movies one day...the girls each picked put the "most appropriate" movie outfit, they simply couldn't be more different...
Some evenings were just spent playing outside having fun...
We also went to "Cow Appreciation Day" at Chick-Fil-A, the girls dressed up like cows (sort-of)...
They looked cute even if not exactly cow-like.
Then there was today...
This morning our backyard looked something like this...

However, right now it looks a bit more like this...
Here's why...
Our neighbor graciously offered to help George cut down about a million chigger (horrible insect that burrows in to your skin!) infested trees and make our backyard a little less scary...today (while George was at work) our neighbor spent the better part of his day off cutting down the trees. Tomorrow they will cut everything up and stack up the wood for warm winter fires...I just wish we could use the wood from these trees to re build our deck but I've been told that's not possible...too bad!
So that's all, not much going on around here... I'll keep you updated on the progress of our backyard...who knows, next summer we might even have some grass!!!
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