George spent most hours of the daylight hours today working hard in the backyard. Our neighbor came over as well and more than a few times we had a chorus of chainsaws happily buzzing outside making smaller piles of tree debris to be hauled away or stacked up. Inside was a different story, inside was the chorus of 2 little girls that wanted to go outside and drag the limbs to the back of the yard so Daddy could throw them over the fence. Starting at 10am and repeating every 10-15 minutes I heard a whiney little song that went something like this "When will Daddy be ready for uuuuus??? When can we drag liiiiiimbs???" I know they were excited to help but oh my goodness I wanted to give them some tylenol and send them off for a long long nap! (Mother of the Year points for that I am sure!) At 5:30pm (after their dinner) the girls came outside and started dragging limbs to Daddy. They were so happy! If I had not been dragging limbs as well you'd have a picture but I am pretty sure that after cutting trees all day George would have been less than thrilled if I stopped for a photo-op, so you'll need to use your imagination.
I will. however, show you what it looks like today. So much more has been done than I think you can see in these pictures....the creepiness quotient of our backyard has decreased greatly!
Did you see the odd white things on 2 trees that are still standing? They were index cards that I stuck to the trees I didn't want cut down...they used to be rectangles, something ate them...YUCK!
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