20 April 2010

I passed!

Last year at Emily's 6 year old well check-up, her doctor eluded to the fact that she was a tad heavier that the doctor would like to see... at that time she was 60lbs 12.8 oz and 48 inches tall. I could see her ribs. I did not think she was heavy at all although I did notice she had plumped up, the kind of plumping they do before they grow. Needless to say, I felt HORRIBLE! As her mother I am 100% responsible for her weight, whether it is too much, too little or just right. Anyway, after a year of very careful monitoring and trying to find a balance between watchdog and a mom letting kids be kids, there was good news at the 7 year old visit! Emily has grown to 50 inches exactly and weighs 63lbs even...this is stupendous!!!!! On another note, the doctor agrees with us that she has a casein allergy, the protein in milk. No need to head to the allergist after all since there is nothing that can be done except avoid milk & milk products (other than cheese and yogurt). This was a great visit!
8 year old check up already scheduled...and the doctor is going to pierce Emily's ears!