16 March 2010

...and now for the pictures

So here are the park pictures I told you about...

I did not forget to photograph Ella that day, she was having an unusual "stay away from me with that camera" day...

AND, we got a new stove!!!!! Take a peek at the old nasty one that only worked somewhat and when it felt like doing so...

Here is our pretty new one...

Today was Emily's second parent'/teacher conference...you know I LOVE them!! I was told that she is doing a fantastic job, as I already knew :) She is, in her teacher's words, excelling at everything, a complete sponge. Her teacher even asked the Venture teacher for something to tell me to work on with Emily, she had nothing. I know for a fact that no one, not even Miss Emily, is perfect but as far as school is concerned, she's pretty close. Report cards come out next week, Emily's will read as follows: Reading 98 (she is reading at a rate of 148 words per minute, 4th grade level) Language Arts 99, Math 98 (she goes to fast & makes silly mistakes), Social Studies 100, Science 100. Not perfect, but as close as she can get!!! I am so very proud of Emily...very, very proud!!!!!

In other news, my parents are coming, for good! They sold there house (in less than a week!) and will be here by the end of the month to look for a new house...yipee!!!!


Gpopuk said...

That looks like the safest gas hob top I have ever seen. looks so much better.