23 April 2009

Can you hear me?

I took Emily to the audiologist today for a repeat hearing screening. They put her in a sound-proof room with a little chair & a window so she could see out. She thought it was funny. The man put a set of headphones on her, walked out of the room & shut the door (this really seemed like an ideal place to put Ella...I'm just saying!). Then he sat down in front of the window, gave her the directions and proceeded to push buttons and administer the test. At first, every time he pushed a button she said "yes, yes" as she could hear the sounds. Imagine how sad I was as he pushed a series of buttons and there was no response from Emily. I stood there and wondered how I was going to get this little girl, with definite opinions, to understand that she had to wear something over her ear from now on. I had to tell myself not to cry, that it was okay because it obviously didn't bother her before we went to the doctor so I shouldn't let it bother her now. Then the audiologist let out a very audible sigh, muttered to himself (I couldn't hear what he said because most of this time Ella was asking when could Emily come out of that big box) and went in the room and said "Okay Emily, let's try with a different set of headphones". Then he closed her back up in the room and repeated the same thing, this time Emily answered even less. I really had to fight back the tears as I pondered would she like a pink hearing aid, a red one or something less noticeable. He then had Emily come out of the room, looked at me with a pause that seemed like an eternity and said "okay Mrs. Brooke-Powell, she's all done. I've never had a little girl who could hear on such high registers before...she's definitely hearing better than your average 6 year old. I wish all my hearing tests were this easy. I even turned it up a few notches (I don't remember the technical word he used there) and she could hear it just fine."
Now I am even happier I held back the tears as I was obviously making things up in my head...imagine that!
By the way, we also had the Scoliosis x-ray done and her back is just about as straight as a pin! All this "your perfect Emily" surely won't go to her head, will it? Oh well, who cares?!? as far as I can tell she is just like Mary Poppins, "Practically Perfect in Every Way!"