04 January 2009

A New Year

So here we are 2009...This will be an exciting year I hope. I also hope it will be calmer than the past few have been for us. Ella is all registered for pre-school...she doesn't start until August but periodically asks if she is going on Monday when Emily goes back to school. Emily can't wait until tomorrow. This has been a long vacation for her. Fun was had by all of us with all of our company. Elizabeth & Geoff were her from the 23rd of December until the 27th. My parents were here from the 26th of December until the 3rd of January. It was a full house but like I said, fun fun fun! The girls have been sick. They each spent about 4 days with fevers over 103...mostly 104.something, nasty cough and congestion. When they started to complain of ear pain, I took them to the doctor. Of course that day they had no fever! Lots of nasty goop in their head though. It was good that I took them though, a day or 2 on the medication and they were feeling much better.
Now I have the daunting task of reorganizing the playroom to fit all of the new toys and things. It is an utter mess but in a few days it will be great...I hope! I love January...all of the organization and getting rid of clutter. A fresh start, I hope it keeps going.........