We went to Lowe's on Saturday and built wooden gingerbread houses. The girls really love going and building something. They love getting a patch after they build each project...now if I would just sew those patches on to there aprons! Anyway...have a look, George's carpentry skills are really improving! (Please note: there are more pictures of Ella than Emily because the room we were in was packed and I couldn't get at a good angle to get more than the back of Emily's head. Also, this note is mainly to alleviate my guilt)
In other "house" news, we were planning on finishing up the kitchen painting Saturday afternoon and then move on to our bedroom on Sunday. It was all planned out (shocking I know), we'd go build in the morning, pick up the bedroom paint on the way home, and then while the girls played Jon & Kate or The Duggars (my little girls are so weird!), George would paint the bit left in the kitchen and I would scrape the horrid floral border off of my bedroom walls. So here's what happened...We went to build (obviously), we picked up the bedroom paint color, we got home and the girls started playing, I got the ladder set up and hot water in my spray bottle ready to scrape. I sprayed the wall and then I hear "Elizabeth???!"
"Yes, George"
"You need to come here please"
"okay"...BIG SIGH... "I'll be down in a minute"
When I got down stairs (5 seconds maybe) the kitchen window was open. I asked what he needed and George said "nothing now, the gas is off." THE GAS?!?!? "What happened?" I asked. Well, apparently George was pulling the stove from the wall, got it about an inch away when the hissing started. He leaned down to get to the shut off valve and "whoosh" the fire ball blew bast him. Luckily it mustn't have been very big because he still has eyebrows and our house is still standing. So he had shut off the gas but we called the gas company anyway. When they got there they noticed that the supply line had cracked, basically dry rot...no wonder we didn't want to buy an old house! George put a new supply line on so I could cook the rest of the weekend. The home warranty people said we still have to have a repair man come look at it...no active leak when he is here = no new stove for us...how sad. Anyway, we didn't get to do what we had planned so there are no pictures of the kitchen. George just finished that a few hours ago and I've been busy with 2 quasi-sick little girls, dinners, baths, bed-time and more dinners. I did get to whack some bushes yesterday while we were not allowed in the house but with no before pictures to compare to, you would not be adequately impressed. George will paint the bedroom next weekend...if we can agree on a color.
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