The girls & I played outside for 5 hours today. It was so nice out we just couldn't stay inside! Before we went out, the girls spent some time with Daddy...
It was a perfect day.
22 August 2009
Saturday Update
Posted by Elizabeth at 8:31 PM 0 comments
18 August 2009
First Day 2009!
Both girls were off for 6.5 hours of education yesterday. They survived and couldn't wait to go back for more!
I accomplished a few things...mainly this "accent" wall in my living room got painted. It used to be dark green. I never realized how small and dark it made the room until I painted over it. {apparently I never took a before picture so please, in this one case, look past the girls (& my sister-in-law's dog) towards the dark green wall the surrounds the fireplace}

(also, look how much more light comes in the windows now that half of the forest that was in my backyard is gone!)
Posted by Elizabeth at 7:20 AM 0 comments
16 August 2009
Last day!
So today is/was the last day of summer vacation. The girls are thrilled to be going to school tomorrow. As soon as Ella got up this morning she wanted to get ready for school. When I told her she had to wait 24 hours, she was heartbroken! Not to worry, all was healed with a 3 hour trip to the pool. Tomorrow will be fun for everyone!
Posted by Elizabeth at 7:41 PM 0 comments
09 August 2009
Not much going on
We've just been hanging out lately. Playing with friends...going to the pool...going to the movies...more pool. The crazy days of pulling out all dolls (and everything else!) & saving them seem to be gone mostly due to the fact that the last great humanitarian effort on their part took more than 2 hours for the girls to clean up. I did break down & help them put the books away, mostly because they just weren't doing it right (O.C.D. sorry!) but everything else the did themselves, all the while muttering "we should never do this again!!!".
The girls are at a friends house now...the went for a sleepover last night. The last sleepover of the starts Monday August 17th!!! This week we get to "meet the teacher" at both schools! I honestly don't know who is more excited the girls or me?!?!
I hope to get some pictures of the school visits Thursday & Friday to share with you. Other than that, this week will be pool trips and playing at home getting ready to go back to school. Then the fun begins!
Posted by Elizabeth at 10:16 AM 0 comments